The One Global Village

Welcome to the The One Global Village.

You are about to become an official member by voluntarily reading this message and/or passing it on, you will have become part of a movement that will save the world, literally. It has been predicted that this has and always will be the salvation of humanity.

John Lennon dreamed of the same outcome that The One Global Village will bring to fruition. John Lennon; Imagine lyrics. He asked us to imagine a world where we live as one. Here is the movement that will bring that dream to reality.

When we help/save someone we symbolically save the world. Essentially whenever one person helps another person, without thought of retribution, the alternate (fake – what if) reality of non-existence is eliminated. Saved from a different reality that would lack the completeness of the task that was ‘helped’ to completion by the helper. This trickles down through unseen threads throughout this planet and even the universe as a whole. Make Sense?

This movement is non-profit in the sense of cash money. It is messages of ultimate profit to us all, even those who are not yet members. A gently closed hand formed by all of the members surrounding all of humanity in order to preserve and enlighten. As the number of contributing members grows the workload is seemingly spread thinner and thereby giving more people a chance to stand back and watch it all work.

We are ONE, like it or not! We will be saved! Even if we don’t think we want to. Let this be the creed to The One Global Village; Noting is expected, all is given!

The One Rule: All members and non-members must be treated as a member.

There is but one rule for members of The One Global Village. There is no real punishment for breaking the rule, however the rule breaker will temporarily loose their membership, that which can be claimed back at any instant by choice because that is the nature of the membership, awareness of it.

There is no one person or group of people that are per se ‘in charge’ of membership status because once again, the very nature of the movement. The rule is literally enforced by the movement itself.

There is only ONE truth in a persons mind about how they perceive themselves. If a member were to break the rule, thereby revoking their membership, however temporarily, their actions would be deemed as non-member actions and balanced out by the members as a whole. This is not something new! This is only a conscious acceptance of one truth.

Truth is like a candle light simply banishing darkness from everywhere within its reach.

The one truth is that we are all moving together, forward. Not in any one direction that we know of as individuals, but certainly can be defined as a multitude of ‘co-incidental’ happenings that is all past, present, and future of the world as perceived in our collective and individual minds. Only NOW is real, is another truth. Only YOUR membership is needed in the NOW to save the entire world.

Perhaps as a non-member of this movement you have thought that the Ultimate Truth was easily lost within the vast number of persons just like you but still separate from you. All non-members collectively yet incorrectly think that saving everyone or even someone in this world is just to big a job to do all alone. This is why membership is necessary although not forced.

In a sea of not just hundreds, thousands or even millions but more that a billion humans, it can become an overwhelming task. When one has enough trouble attempting to save their own immediate families, perceived failure on our aid to those closest to us, leaves us feeling alone and as if a movement like The One Global Village could not, does not and will not exist. That is incorrect perception because The One Global Village does exist. That is one truth.

In fact this misperception is the best way to prepare yourself for being a member of the The One Global Village; having thought to help someone (without any return, therefore non-reciprocal) and having it seemingly fail before your very eyes because the closer someone is to you the harder it is to truly help them…or save them from themselves. This is one truth. When someone is close to you, the help (no matter how genuine) is seemingly reciprocal. The results from the help are easily monitored if they are in immediate proximity to the helper.

If you meet a stranger and show that you are a member of this movement you are truly giving without the thought of receiving because the stranger is not part of your seeming ‘world’ and therefore the effects of your efforts are presumed ‘out of your world’ therefore not profitable to yourself directly and easily disassociated from. Although the rewards of being an acting member usually tend to change the members own view of their life. The idea here is to be selfless and giving, knowing it will return to you eventually in the end but not helping another person because it will profit you in any way.

This is not a course in Karma!
This is not a religion!
This is not a cult!
This is a child’s game!
This is Love and Innocence given and received in the way of its own nature!

This is a simple acceptance of our own inner capacity to outwardly help other members or non-members with all faith that our own seemingly little actions are literally saving the world…the world that we all share! Together as one!

This is nothing more than an agreement to be made or not made, although making the agreement has nothing to do with membership status, as stated there is no one person in charge of who is a member or not, especially you! We are all free to be members in any given moment, and the rule ensures us that the movement is a conscious choice. Simply knowing of this movement awards your membership. This way there is but only two ways to become a non-member (however temporary): to break the rule or to completely destroy the memory of reading these words.

Another truth to clarify is that member or not, conscious or not, if you are alive you are working for the movement. The obvious difference is the awareness of members that there is something at work as opposed to non-members thinking they are alone and of no benefit to humanity.

There are occasionally non-members who have not learned of The One Global Village (yet) that can become non-conscious members by insight, coincidence or most often Truest Love. Truest Love is the one shortcut to The One Global Village without being informed of its existence or becoming a member. Simply put, the Power of Truest Love is ‘out of this world’; ineffable in the way it can (however temporarily) change a human being into a member of the movement and thereby be conscious of being one with us all. This is not an exception. This is a truth. Love is the one truth. The One Global Village is the true movement of Love. The movement is a means to find truth. The One Global Village is not a truth in itself because it is based on Chaos and perception. Members and non-members, ups and downs, acceptance and denial. Polarities that seemingly coordinate to balance each other out, seemingly separate, yet perfectly whole when given a name, a reference, an ideal.

When The One Global Village has eliminated all non-members, conscious or not, there will no longer be need for the movement because Love will be like light, a world free of darkness because there is nowhere darkness is being allowed to exist. Contrary to pessimistic imagined futures, Peace is possible. More realistically, it is inevitable. Our children will choose it for us because we have raised them in a world that has both shown the polar conflicts of good and not good, or light and dark and left the option open to choose for the first time ever, for all of us. Also this future generation of humanity will be fused with the power of reciprocal giving teamwork. Not always called The One Global Village but for some it will be the means.

The rule can then be further simplified even more, and the seeming punishment is only an incorrect idea that they are alone… or a non-member of any movement, even The One Global Village.

We are not alone! We are here for each other! We are all members of the human race! We are obligated to preserve our species, not by overpopulation but rather by over sharing that which we have to give. We can evolve if we begin to depend upon what we can receive from strangers who are members. It is not a place to build or travel to, it is a sonnet of goodness with billions of different instruments, to the untrained ear ‘chaos’ but one day to be heard for what it can be, what it truly is: Truest Love Indescribable.

There are symbols everywhere but The One Global Village has a distinct one. It is not a word or a picture (although it will be used that way), it is an action shared between all members. Eventually it will be noticeable from afar by any number of means, a common hand gesture, two people smiling or even childlike excitement. The symbol of The One Global Village that is purely an action, that acts like a snowball rolling down hill, once it’s awareness begins to spread (and it already has) it will create the dream we all share: Complete Love. However the nature of this world will deem that it will not happen instantaneously. It is inevitable NOW though.

The symbolic action shared by all members IS an offering to help a fellow member (stranger or not, seemingly reciprocal or not) if at any time requested.

Members are free to refuse aid to another member, of course, if they are already helping another member or non-member, including their own person. The requesting member will comply because of their membership in the movement, knowing that there are other members to ask and non-members to convert thereby upholding the rule and the idea of the movement. The member, who declines the request, although currently unable to help, can if time permits find another member to send to the requester or convert a non-member for the same purpose. Compounding and compounding the movement will grow and work simultaneously. This is not new; this is simply a new way of expanding our worlds so that we will evolve, as we all know deep down we must.

Now that you are a member the effects will take only a short time to begin to show. They will perhaps take longer to appear for some members than others and this is not a judgment upon level of membership (which does not exist), simply the speed at which the member accepts truthfully and lovingly their membership in The One Global Village.

The changes that this will bring are not dependant on the actions of members but solely on the knowledge of its existence and the visualization of its end results.

Welcome! See you when the work is done.

Origin of Document Unknown